Cornwall Survivors
Cornwall Survivors
Cornwall Survivors


Supporting male survivors of rape and sexual abuse


Cornwall Survivors is an open, voluntary group set in a non-clinical, safe environment. We are committed to the mutual support and healing of male survivors of rape and sexual abuse - whatever, whenever and however that abuse happened.

We all mask our painful, shameful stuff and by working in the Group, we learn to look behind the masks - to discover the true face on our feelings.

We acknowledge that anger is a powerful and liberating force in the healing process and that it is OK to express that anger appropriately. However, we do not tolerate violence towards any member of the group.


Is that we can, in time, heal and become stronger. That we can move forward to lead more positive, satisfying and resourceful lives. We hope to achieve our goal through the use of therapy, peer support and sharing our own personal experience when we feel ready and able to do that. Knowing that we are not alone in our suffering.

WE CAN ...


Is about exploring ourselves and about finding support in the Group to make that journey.

We always check that it is safe for anyone to join, work in or leave the Group.

Confidentiality & Respect
Anything that is discussed in the Group, stays in the Group. As we respect each others circumstances, that respect also comes to us. So, we learn to accept support to heal ourselves.

It's about letting go of whatever feelings you have about the abuse - be in anger, grief, shame or guilt - in your own way and come to terms with those feelings, however painful they are. In time, you can heal yourself and rebuild your life as you want to live it.

Time & Place
We meet every Tuesday in St Austell from 7.00pm onwards for about two hours.

We support male survivors of rape and sexual abuse aged 18 and over.

Cornwall Survivors

To contact us:
Cornwall Survivors
6 Walsingham Place

Freephone Helpline: 07800 940558
Every Wednesday evening between 6.00 & 8.00 pm.
All calls are treated with confidentiality and respect.

E mail:

' can heal yourself and rebuild your life as you want to live it.'

Cornwall Survivors

Please Visit our Guestbook

For a wealth of information - visit the Survivors Swindon Website.

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Cornwall Survivors
Cornwall Survivors
Cornwall Survivors